Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This morning, I went out for a run with Ollie. It kicked my butt... Hardcore. I was like, "yeah! I'll wake up at like 6am and go out for a nice early morning run! Get back in shape." After my alarm went off and I hit snooze three times I went out to run at around 9am... But, I still ran! I want to start running every morning. I don't know how Ollie will do, he was really tired towards the end of the run, so we stopped (thankfully :D)

I might make a route where I can take Ollie with me, and then drop him back off at home about half-way through the run, and I could keep going. It's weird.. My legs and body (muscles) were fine, I'm not even sore. However, my lungs are killing me. It just shows how out of shape I am... in the lungs department. haha. I need to do something to help that, and I don't know what. I mean, I don't smoke or anything, they shouldn't hurt this badly. I need to get back into some sort of routine.

I'd also like to try and eat a bit better. My diet mostly consists of junk food and pasta. Typical college diet. But, I would like to lower my servings a bit and eat less crap. If I just eat smaller amounts of the crap that I've been eating, I think I will do better.

This leads into my other thought.. Do I have a tape worm? I can eat an entire plate of Penné pasta, with butter and garlic and olive oil and massive amounts of parmesan cheese. Like half a box of pasta and I will finish it all. Within minutes, I'm still hungry. Perhaps its just my mother's/grandpa's amazingly fast metabolism... But, I don't poop 5 minutes after I eat! Gahh, I don't know.

Oh, yes, another thing... Ollie chewed through his harness, that he pulled into his kennel while he was in it. That means I have to go and buy him a new one.... They're kind of expensive.. and I don't want to buy a new one. But I made a collar out of his old harness and he pulled out of it twice this morning... IT SCARED ME!!!

He did really well on his walk though! Stayed right by my side and ran practically the whole way.

I think I might try and run some more tonight, since my lungs still hurt. I need to get this shit together!

I suppose this is enough.. Oh yeah! Hayley is home, hopefully for good.


  1. I know what you mean! I ran like 2/3 of a mile today and my body was fine. I could've done more but I was like suffocating and coughing up phlegm all at once. But that's just cuz I'm a smoker. Like in Waterworld! Anywhoosers, hope your world is wonderful and I hope to see you soon!

  2. Any chance you guys will be around for Easter? We could go for a run if you are! I can't bring Barkley, though. He is SO annoying to run with because his jog is too slow for me and his run is too fast, so I end up dragging him the whole time. Oh, and good job updating your blog. You're better than me at it!

  3. You should have ran over to Burington for mah Burthdai! You coulda taken me or a lil jog!
