Monday, November 30, 2009

Puppy, puppy, puppy... Pictures!!

Here are some pictures that Jill has been sending me of Ollie. It's crazy to see how much he has changed!! All of the "captions" are ABOVE the images!!!

Most recent pictures of Ollie, from Thanksgiving day.

Also new....

And this one too!

Here he is from about two weeks ago!

On the right.

Almost a month old here!

He's the lighter-colored one on the right.

This last one was the first one I got. He's on the right, lookin' pudgy!

Ollie is coming soon!

So, against the will of my loving and beautiful girlfriend, Hayley, I made this blog. It is mainly for people to view, grow and live with us as Ollie (our 8 week old Siberian Husky) gets bigger.

Today is Monday, November 30th 2009 and I've been anxiously awaiting the day when our puppy would be ready to go home. On this coming Sunday, December 6th 2009, Hayley and I will be driving down to NH to pick up Ollie! I'm beyond excited and often times find myself within his kennel pretending I am him... It's a strange and vicious cycle that will hopefully subdue itself as soon as we get him.

I guess, since this is my first blog thing, I should start with how this all came about (the getting of a puppy, or rather, why?!)

It was the beginning of this year, sometime around April, when the idea came up. I've wanted a puppy/dog for years now and I thought that if anything, this would be the best time for me to look into getting one. I carefully considered my options, never ruling out adoption, but since I had to wait until after August to actually get the dog I thought getting one from a breeder would work best for me.

Of course, this now brought on several new things to think about. Who would I be getting the dog from? How much would it cost to just get the dog? How well reputed is the breeder? The list of things going through my head was endless.. I found a breeder by the name of Jill Mulheron. She seemed to have such a down-to-earth approach to her dogs and puppies. It was nice. We chatted for several months before I decided that I really wanted a pup.

So, finally the day came when the puppies were born and I chose one. Originally we were going to get a female from a certain litter but that litter ended up not having any females... So we chose from another litter that Jill so graciously offered to us. We chose a little boy, that we named Oliver (Ollie for short).

Okay, so that basically brings us to now. It's less than a week away from the day that we get to pick up Ollie. So this is it for now. I will be back in about a week with updates from the puppy-front. That of course includes pictures, videos and stories! Bye bye for now!