Friday, April 16, 2010

I don't "blog" anymore...

I don't know why... but I really don't care much for blogging anymore. Perhaps with Ollie came the excitement of sharing him with the world (more like 4 people) and so I was enthusiastic about showing off pictures and whatnot. I just don't really feel like I have the time anymore to sit here and type up a big blog, filled with wonderful pictures and witty captions. Due to the ease of facebook and twitter, I can quickly upload pictures and place them into a folder, aptly named "Dog." So, for anyone reading this, you can keep up with him them. If you would like to know how I am doing or how Ollie is doing then you can message me on facebook OR call me OR text me OR email me or any of the mentioned means of communication. For now, I will leave this blog, un... blogged and use it as a means of reading Hayley's, Beky's, Matt Aspinwall's, These Birds is Dead's and Hayley's sister's blog. I think I am also following Adam, I will keep reading his too.. :)

Ta ta for now!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This morning, I went out for a run with Ollie. It kicked my butt... Hardcore. I was like, "yeah! I'll wake up at like 6am and go out for a nice early morning run! Get back in shape." After my alarm went off and I hit snooze three times I went out to run at around 9am... But, I still ran! I want to start running every morning. I don't know how Ollie will do, he was really tired towards the end of the run, so we stopped (thankfully :D)

I might make a route where I can take Ollie with me, and then drop him back off at home about half-way through the run, and I could keep going. It's weird.. My legs and body (muscles) were fine, I'm not even sore. However, my lungs are killing me. It just shows how out of shape I am... in the lungs department. haha. I need to do something to help that, and I don't know what. I mean, I don't smoke or anything, they shouldn't hurt this badly. I need to get back into some sort of routine.

I'd also like to try and eat a bit better. My diet mostly consists of junk food and pasta. Typical college diet. But, I would like to lower my servings a bit and eat less crap. If I just eat smaller amounts of the crap that I've been eating, I think I will do better.

This leads into my other thought.. Do I have a tape worm? I can eat an entire plate of Penné pasta, with butter and garlic and olive oil and massive amounts of parmesan cheese. Like half a box of pasta and I will finish it all. Within minutes, I'm still hungry. Perhaps its just my mother's/grandpa's amazingly fast metabolism... But, I don't poop 5 minutes after I eat! Gahh, I don't know.

Oh, yes, another thing... Ollie chewed through his harness, that he pulled into his kennel while he was in it. That means I have to go and buy him a new one.... They're kind of expensive.. and I don't want to buy a new one. But I made a collar out of his old harness and he pulled out of it twice this morning... IT SCARED ME!!!

He did really well on his walk though! Stayed right by my side and ran practically the whole way.

I think I might try and run some more tonight, since my lungs still hurt. I need to get this shit together!

I suppose this is enough.. Oh yeah! Hayley is home, hopefully for good.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Well, the past few weeks have been extremely interesting.. A lot has happened.

Since, this is "Ollie Blog" I will start with him. He is losing teeth and growing in new ones, I think a result of that is awful breath. It is STINKY! But hopefully will go down a bit when all his new teeth are in. I want to get him one of those doggy tooth-brushes. Also, he is still getting huge. Since the weather has been a bit more permitting, I've been taking Ollie for very long walks, which is good for him (obviously). We often go down to the river where he runs wild. I don't know if he likes water, though. He will run up to it and step in, to about his knees and then slowly back out... Hahaha, its actually kind of funny. I noticed that he didn't mind the water when there were little waves that he could try and attack. All in all he is really awesome and a lot of fun, with or without his fur ending up LITERALLY everywhere.

Now, for more about whats happening in the life of me. I've been very busy. Between driving to and from the hospital to visit Hayley and taking care of Ollie and trying to keep the apartment clean and then trying to find time to actually eat, I haven't had much time to just relax. HOWEVER! I don't really mind. I enjoy being active. I've felt better since the weather has gotten warmer and I've been running up the stairs to Hayley's room on the 5th floor. hahaa

Hayley is doing okay. He leg is progressing well, but the C. Dificile, that she got from the antibiotics she was given during her surgery, is taking a toll on her. We had to readmit her to the hospital after only being home for a few hours. It was really sad. I know how badly she wants to just be home.. It's definitely for the better, being back in the hospital. She needs to have an IV because she can't keep any food down. THANKFULLY its spring break... Not the best way to spend it, but its better than missing two weeks of classes.

I'm hoping that everything goes well with Hayley's recovery. We're both overly excited about going to Jamaica and it would be nice if she could walk.. :)

Okay, bye now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

30 days past January, 10th or whenever I last posted on here..

I find myself using my computer and the internet less and less. Don't know why, but it's not a bad thing. Hayley has been without a computer for quite some time now so we share mine. Maybe that is why, because all she does is play online battleship. We're all very worried about her mental health. Last night she played battleship for 8 hours. I don't even know if she slept. Oh well..

Now to some real stuff. Ollie. He is good. Solid poops, lots of tongue action, still crazy-still wild, he is a beast (really) and has gained 23 pounds since we got him back on December 6th. He was only 9 pounds... He is now 32... It's ridiculous. He is able to jump up onto things now, actually he likes to try and jump up onto everything, that includes children, the elderly, doors, counters, couches, beds, heads, bed-heads, chairs and tables. Nothing bad there, just got some training to do. He is so smart though, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Today, before I wen't to mix, Hayley and I took Ollie to Husson University and broke onto the softball field to let him run. It was nice that he could finally get off the leash and just run run run. He also pooped in right field. Oops.

Oh yeah! Ollie lost a bunch of teeth and grew in a bunch more HUGE adult teeth up front. We found one tooth in the bed, which is rare, since dogs usually just swallow their teeth. But yeah, thats some interesting stuff. He needs to go back to the vet to have his poop tested again. For worms. To make sure they're long gone.

Aside from Ollie, I traded my old record player back to Billy (a friend at NESCom) for his newer record player. It's very nice! It's a very unfair trade, and I will explain why it all worked out in the end, right now! Billy originally sold me his old record player that he had had for years, he actually got it at a flea market when he as 9. I had this record player for about a year, or so and one day Billy asked if I still had it and if I wanted to trade. Thinking he was joking (and not knowing the history behind the old record player) I was like "OH OKAY, SURE DIRTBAG"! Perhaps thats a bit exaggerated, but its for dramatic effect, making sure that nobody stops reading this. Anywho! He told about how he loved the old thing and just wanted it back because there were so many memories and how he preferred the "analog" sound that came with the older record player. So's we traded and now I had his newer record player, which is awesome! I really like it. It sounds beautiful!!! Hayley and I have been, unconsciously, buying records for it and I find myself listening to vinyl more than anything else. Thats kind of nice too.

Oh yeah pt. 2! Grandpa is still in the hospital, though he (I'm told) is doing much better. He made it through hip surgery and is stable. His brushes with hallucinations and extreme stubbornness have made everyone concerned more about him, but I think he is going to do well or do as well as an 85 year old man who has not exactly had the most spectacular health record in the past could be. I miss him and it's sad being so far away from everything. Especially when all of this is happening.

Now that I have brought the mood all the way down here _ < that's low! I guess I could try and finish this little blog with a song!

Cheese is good,
Cheese is grand!
Cheese is in my hand,
and it wont melt -
on you, on you, on you, on you!

Well there yuh go folks. Bye!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's been awhile (thanks Aaron Lewis!)

A bit of time has passed since my last post, sorry! Not that it's really that important, I doubt anyone schedules their day around religiously reading my blog.. But! I've been gathering some pictures and video, not many however.. It's a lot more difficult to continually document everything that is happening around this puppy than I thought it would be. He's (Ollie) gotten bigger, yet again and his fur is still getting darker. His friend Wiley (my roommates Dachshund) get a long well, then always play and its wild how crazy they get, providing that the size difference is great. Okay, thats enough. Here are some pictures and a video!

Sleeping on my clothes (he does it all the time) at my parents house.

Post bath Ollie... He was so goofy looking!

Sleeping against the fridge. He likes to sleep by our feet as we do the dishes.

Taken this morning. He's getting so big. So are his ears.

He's starting to not look like a puppy anymore.

I would post a video here, but youtube is being a jerk. I will post it soon.