Sunday, March 14, 2010


Well, the past few weeks have been extremely interesting.. A lot has happened.

Since, this is "Ollie Blog" I will start with him. He is losing teeth and growing in new ones, I think a result of that is awful breath. It is STINKY! But hopefully will go down a bit when all his new teeth are in. I want to get him one of those doggy tooth-brushes. Also, he is still getting huge. Since the weather has been a bit more permitting, I've been taking Ollie for very long walks, which is good for him (obviously). We often go down to the river where he runs wild. I don't know if he likes water, though. He will run up to it and step in, to about his knees and then slowly back out... Hahaha, its actually kind of funny. I noticed that he didn't mind the water when there were little waves that he could try and attack. All in all he is really awesome and a lot of fun, with or without his fur ending up LITERALLY everywhere.

Now, for more about whats happening in the life of me. I've been very busy. Between driving to and from the hospital to visit Hayley and taking care of Ollie and trying to keep the apartment clean and then trying to find time to actually eat, I haven't had much time to just relax. HOWEVER! I don't really mind. I enjoy being active. I've felt better since the weather has gotten warmer and I've been running up the stairs to Hayley's room on the 5th floor. hahaa

Hayley is doing okay. He leg is progressing well, but the C. Dificile, that she got from the antibiotics she was given during her surgery, is taking a toll on her. We had to readmit her to the hospital after only being home for a few hours. It was really sad. I know how badly she wants to just be home.. It's definitely for the better, being back in the hospital. She needs to have an IV because she can't keep any food down. THANKFULLY its spring break... Not the best way to spend it, but its better than missing two weeks of classes.

I'm hoping that everything goes well with Hayley's recovery. We're both overly excited about going to Jamaica and it would be nice if she could walk.. :)

Okay, bye now.

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