Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's been awhile (thanks Aaron Lewis!)

A bit of time has passed since my last post, sorry! Not that it's really that important, I doubt anyone schedules their day around religiously reading my blog.. But! I've been gathering some pictures and video, not many however.. It's a lot more difficult to continually document everything that is happening around this puppy than I thought it would be. He's (Ollie) gotten bigger, yet again and his fur is still getting darker. His friend Wiley (my roommates Dachshund) get a long well, then always play and its wild how crazy they get, providing that the size difference is great. Okay, thats enough. Here are some pictures and a video!

Sleeping on my clothes (he does it all the time) at my parents house.

Post bath Ollie... He was so goofy looking!

Sleeping against the fridge. He likes to sleep by our feet as we do the dishes.

Taken this morning. He's getting so big. So are his ears.

He's starting to not look like a puppy anymore.

I would post a video here, but youtube is being a jerk. I will post it soon.